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If your are visiting my post for the first time then you might would want to check out my previous post, since this is it’s continuation.

Greg left Kris with a bleeding wound. She was broken, wondering all that she had to tell him. Her head was a clear slate except of the evening’s incidence. The tears too had betrayed her. She sat on the floor, lost. There was no one to console her or be with her and there was no stimulus to gather her. She was on her own, in an oblivion.

Time was passing by and she was lost in an unknown. How many days, weeks or was it months?? Kris had no idea. Finally she did wake up but in an unknown place surrounded by strangers. The reality struck really hard onto her. She was in an asylum.

She couldn’t remember how she came here. But when she gazed in the mirror she felt a steady stream of tears rolling down her wrinkled cheeks. She was old, too old. Her heart precipitated. She was profusely sweating for this was absolutely out of question.

A chill ran through her spine and she shuddered. She felt as if she was in a deep sleep. She was trying to make some sense of the surroundings when Greg walked in the room with a tray and a smile on his face.

Kris was soaked in sweat. Her mouth was dry and thoughts jumbled. She was finally back to reality from her horrid nightmare. Greg was going nowhere. They were now married for ten years.

Kris smiled to herself as the happenings of the dream recapped in her mind. How stupid?

Well really?

Kris thought it otherwise. The whole drama in the dream had changed her perspective. How sure she was now that God forbid if someday Greg would want to separate from her she would be dead miserable. Because all the possible bad she had outlived in her dream.

Ten years and counting. Kris was happy as the whole idea of love was coming to her with such a wonderful meaning. She was gearing up for she wanted to out do their anniversary celebration.

* It’s Day 19 : ‘Q’ of A to Z April 2013 Challenge

Sorry I am late with this post.